Renewable Energy Sector Debate in Spain

On April 10th, the Public University of Navarra hosted the first sectoral debate on renewable energy as part of the ARIES4 Project, organized in collaboration with SODENA and Enercluster.

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The event featured prominent figures from the Navarrese energy sector: Joaquín Ancín (Acciona Energía), Carlos Pueyo (BeePlanet), Iñigo Ayerra (IED Electronics), Eneko Sanz (Nabrawind), and Elena Llorente (Nordex), who formed a panel. The session began with a brief introduction by Martín Larraza, a professor at the university and coordinator of the ARIES4 project, who outlined the project's goals and the debate's objectives. Then, Pablo Sanchis, director of the UPNA Chair of Renewable Energies, moderated the debate, which focused on two key topics: the S4 strategy (smart specialization strategy for sustainability), its opportunities and challenges for companies along with the proposed solutions; and the demand for sustainability skills, its impact on business decisions, and the relevance of training in this area.


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