Debate On Sustainability In The Agri-Food Sector in Tudela (Navarre)

On 23 January, the Public University of Navarra hosted the second sectoral debate in the framework of the ARIES4 Project, organised in collaboration with Nagrifood and dedicated to the agri-food sector.


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The debate, which took the form of a discussion panel, was moderated by Idoia Labayen, director of the IS-FOOD Institute, and was attended by representatives of three key companies in the agri-food sector in Navarre: José Ramón Iñigo (TRASA), Lucas Irisarri (Herbetec Ibérica) and Javier López (URTECH). 

The debate focused on two main topics: the S4 strategy, its opportunities and challenges for the sector, as well as the solutions proposed; and the need for skills in sustainability, highlighting the importance of training in this area and its impact on the sector.


More info about the debate

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